How to Make Your Articles More Popular on StumbleUpon


Writing a blog and article is one of the most ongoing write-ups nowadays. The demand for article writing and blog posts is increasing day by day. All the writers are coming up with new ideas and ways of writing. In short, the writing competition is increasing day by day. However, there are many platforms used by the writer to post their article and get famous.  Increasing the traffic on your social media platform or social media is getting tough daily.  but if you get any of your articles published on any famous social media sites, it helps you drive your traffic to other sites.

StumbleUpon Is one of the largest social media websites in the world. It will get you extra traffic. Set up your free account and add your interest connected to your niche to use it. Interact more on posts such as comments or like.

StumbleUpon should be used by every blogger. StumbleUpon is by far the most user-friendly and time-saving social media platform, regardless of which one you like.

Getting a lot of traffic on the blog or article is what every writer wants. However, there are several ways you can use to make your article popular. We have brought some of the ways you can use and get famous.

Make your article popular on StumbleUpon:

The first thing that every blogger wants is to be popular and famous. There are many ideas that increase traffic to your article. Following are the tips to increase the popularity of your blog:

1.    Thoughtful title:

The people suffering on the web stumble either give you thumbs up or thumbs down. The people give remarks according to their perspectives. However, the thoughtful title will engage them and will make them read your article. The eye-catching title helps a lot in getting your article popular, and a lot of thumb ups collect on your post.

2.    Add pictures or videos:

The visual representation says a lot, and people stay with the article, which gives the visual representations. Stumbles and also values the post that has pictures or photographs in it. Therefore, it increases people’s interest and helps get a clear and understanding idea about your post.

Moreover, you can add the audio version of your article and it creates a significant impact on the reader. It is a busy life nowadays, and everybody loves the accessible version, so listening to your article will help to turn your readers into followers. If you want to record the best audio version of your writing article, go to the best audiobook service. They are the ones you can trust.

3.    Interesting opening of your article:

People who are scrolling love to answer questions or want to listen to the answer to their problems. Therefore, an exciting opening like asking questions or answering something helps a lot to engage your audience and get more thumbs up. However, you can use the pyramid method for the critical and engaging content first and then drag it further. Keep in mind that the above information is the one that keeps the readers to your article. There are only a few seconds for you to develop the interest in readers. If you win in developing interest, getting popular is another thing.

4.    Get the badged:

You add the StumbleUpon badge to our content to increase your content traffic. There is a separate page for it, and there you can get more tips on blogging, WordPress, etc.

5.    Connect with bloggers:

Connecting with bloggers eventually ends up increasing the traffic on your site. It is one of the best strategies on social media platforms. The more you are connected to the famous people on site, the more you will get likes and followers.

6.    Get traffic back to your blog:

You’ve ‘ found ‘ it when you vote up a site after it hasn’t been voted up before. This means you write the first review for the item, and your personal information appears in the sidebar of the reviews page.

Therefore, it will help you increase the traffic to your site and your blog posts.

7.    Highlight your blog:

This is easy. On the main page of your profile, your website URL will be shown above your photograph. You can also write a little about yourself and link to your blog in your About paragraph. It will highlight your blog/article and help you in every way.

Moreover, once you publish your blog on the site, you can add its link to other social media sites, and it will help you get your article more publicity.

8.    Connect with the audience:

Go to the reviews page for the blog piece that has received the most votes once you start getting visitors from StumbleUpon.

Thank them for the Stumble, and add them to your network of friends. These small acts of kindness have an impact and may encourage the Stumbler to check out your other fantastic content.

9.    Connect with famous people:

Making a connection with popular people helps you to increase your popularity. When the people see that you are a friend or the following someone popular, they eventually add you up and bring engagement to your posts.

10.  Talk to the readers:

The best thing any writer can do is to create relevance between the readers and the work. Giving the people freedom to comment on your article and respond to their comments will help you increase your traffic. However, it is not always necessary to reply to each and every comment, but if you have the time, then solve all the queries of your readers.

On the other hand, you can ask for their perspective on your article to engage the readers. Many people will love to give you their perspective on your writing and help you understand the readers’ interest, and engage them on your profile.

Let’s wrap up:

Getting a popular article is a wish of every writer. Thus, you can use all the above mentioned tips on the StumbleUpon and get your article more thumbs up. There are many online tips available for writing articles and tools to suggest about your writing. run through those tools and get a better version of your article.

Read more: 11 Reasons to Use Content Marketing for Solopreneurs

Anil Kondla

Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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