8 Tips for Effectively Managing Software Developers


Managing a team of software developers can be daunting, and not everyone can do it successfully. The more effective the team management is, the better the work environment and business flow are. It won’t be wrong to say it all starts with leadership.

Most people want a manager to solve business problems, protect them from office politics, and help them achieve personal career goals. But a software manager’s work still needs to be done here. A manager must acquire specific skills and techniques to encourage productivity using the right tools and processes.

Hence, it would be best if you learned the art of managing a team of software developers to create an inclusive environment for your team. After reading our tips for managing software developers effectively, you will be in a fantastic position to make your team thrive.

1. Set Clear Team and Individual Goals:

Your team will work best when it has a clear set of goals to follow. These team goals will help them understand what the company expects from them. These goals should be public so new members of the team can easily access them and work accordingly.

Additionally, team goals are tied to individual goals. Individual goals are set, so each team member has specific aims to foster business growth and personal growth side by side.

2. Be involved:

Some managers often set up a task for developers and then disappear from the scene; there are better approaches than this. Constant feedback and mini-discussions with the team will not only encourage them but also double their productivity and help them stay on track.

Everyone likes to get attention and be visible; this works with software developers too. So, a little ‘how’s it going’ question from time to time can be a motivation for them. However, the goal is to be friendly, helpful, and not annoying, so don’t push over with unnecessary questions.

3. Challenge Them to a Mission:

Do you know why hackathons are so popular? Because developers love some challenges. So when you have a task for them, tell them the ultimate goal and let them accomplish it.

However, never try to micro-manage; be there for them and listen to their opinions.

4. Cover Non-Development Work:

A software engineering job is already challenging and time-consuming. So, other non-development tasks, such as administrative and client services or setting monthly goals for yearlong projects, should be off their list. It allows the developers to continue with their assigned tasks and meet deadlines.

A manager’s most important aim should be to protect developers from time wasters like non-technical meetings and administrative paperwork.  

5. Allow your Team to Make Decisions:

Autonomy is an important aspect of managing a team of software developers. Let them make some decisions independently because managers who constantly participate in every decision don’t always add value.

Train and empower your team to make responsible decisions. 

6. Practice Effective Time Management Skills:

Make sure your team recognizes the importance of time management. Help them meet deadlines, break down large projects into smaller doable chunks, make a prioritized daily to-do list and take small but frequent breaks to avoid exhaustion.

Benefits of time management include greater clarity, capability, and confidence in your team. When you are clear on your time use, you become more focused, and your productivity doubles.

7. Keep Your Door Open:

Keeping an open door means whenever any team member needs help, you make time to talk with them. As a manager, your primary job is to keep your team running smoothly, and for that, you have to remove blockers and be there for them.

If you go along with this approach, communicate with the team and encourage them to ask for help when they are stuck.

8. Look for Quality over Quantity:

Allowing your team to handle short jobs, often ones that can be completed within a few days or a week, is a better method for enhancing your developers’ efficiency. Assign distinct duties to each team member, such as coding, testing, and implementation. Make sure that each team has developers with a range of experience, including junior, mid-level, and senior developers.

Some inexperienced managers often throw more developers on a task thinking that it might increase productivity, but in reality, it just kills it. Give each developer enough time and suitable tasks that allow them to show their skills.

You are leading a team of developers, so make them feel visible and let them know you have their backs. In return, you will get respect and results that will add to the overall integrity of the business. These eight essential tips will help you become a skillful manager and achieve a dream team of software developers.

Read more: Are You Looking for Dedicated App Developers? Here is A Complete Guide


Karen is a Business Tech Analyst. Over 5 years of experience she has in writing about business. She is very responsible towards her job. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with her friends and colleagues. Follow on LinkedIn

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